Sep 20, 2023Liked by Kerry Murray Photography

What an enlightening chat! I think I will need a second listen to take everything in. Great to catch some new music.

Chemtrails have been on my radar for some time. Hahaha my spellchecker corrected Chemtrails to contrails wtf

My local community newsletter included an article on contrails this month. Can't actually believe propaganda is coming at me in this way. Matt has inspired me to contact this local rag and plant some seeds. Thank you

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We honestly could have chatted about it all for hours. I still have so many questions I couldn't cover! So glad you felt inspired by listening, Matt is just such a lovely soul.

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I look forward to the next chat. Embarrassing to say I have not watched his film ,though I do know of it. Now need to watch to learn some of the finer details. Like he says it really is some fuckery! It takes me effort to not be triggered when I see it! The lines, the waves and the milky skies all boil my piss!! Thanks again guys for shedding light on such a nefarious topic.

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