Portraits of the Resistance Vol. 5 | Katie Hopkins
Comedian, Commentator and allegedly the most hated woman in Britain - Katie Hopkins
“Katie Hopkins?! Not Her?!” I hear you say.
The neighbourly and absurdly lovely “Hello, hello, come on in…” I receive upon arriving at Katie’s house is equally unexpected and wonderful. She’s warmer than I’d expected, but then, I’m not sure I had any massive expectations. I knew the name, the face, the gusto, the reputation. Still, I’d never paid too much attention to Katie’s on-screen (alleged) antics, before becoming aware of The Katie’s Arms, her regular group therapy podcast/live videos addressing the often unspoken and real concerns of the nation during the height of the Pandemic™.
It was The Katie’s Arms that many turned to for solace, understanding and that special brand of Katie’s positivity and You do YOU approach to life during the global tyranny of 2020 and 2021. Katie filled for many the void which had emerged because of the absence of dissenting voices, especially those we already knew and expected to be present and accounted for.

I’m immediately offered the ever-so kind and yet somehow backhanded hospitality of some “shit-cake” as Katie called it. It had been her daughter’s birthday the day before I arrived and the supermarket birthday cake had been judged, unanimously by the house. I’ll admit it was entirely warranted. However, I happily ate my shit-cake along with a magnificent cup of tea, brewed by the lady herself. Small talk ensued about the drive over, and the horrid weather (I think it had been grey and raining for about a week). the early December chill had set in and the days were growing shorter by the minute. I was surprised at how personable Katie was, enquiring about my life and my family. I don’t know what I expected. Perhaps she’d be busy, short on time or otherwise more guarded and clipped. She’s open and free with both her praise and her opinions without ever giving a sense of being confrontational. A pleasure to speak with and, to me, gave off the kind, confident and open vibe that I enjoy being around.
Katie’s disdain is palpable for those who had so recently and without seeming to flinch, imposed the draconian ‘rules’ and daily scare tactics on society. You can hear that she doesn’t just feel it on a personal level, to her it’s an imposition on all of us, unnecessary and ethically vile. This is not someone who likes to be told what to do, much less over nothing. Frankly, I pity anyone who tries. I’m thinking No-One puts Katie in a corner.
As we chat I am considering options for photographs. The dogs need walking so we agree on a stroll through the nearby wood. I quickly grab the camera, coat and wellies and Katie rallies the dogs. Two absolutely gorgeous (and well-trained) black labrador puppies.
It’s the wander through the English wood that tells me most about Katie. Easy to be photographed and quick with a smile, Katie isn’t shy when it comes to being in front of the lens, without an ounce of peacocking for the camera.
I take several shots in the woods and, truth be told, I had (or so I thought) captured the image I wanted for this series pretty early into our trek. I was not until several minutes later, however, unaware that I had neglected to insert the memory card into my camera correctly…epic fail! I didn’t tell Katie this at the time to avoid spoiling the remainder of the session, and of course, I didn’t need the embarrassment and humiliation of coming off as a total novice!
Memory card correctly loaded inconspiciously we walked on through the glade of oaks and birch, so commonly found in this part of the UK. Ahead of us is a group of forestry workers on a break, making tea on a camping stove. Without warning Katie detours sharply to wish them well and thank them for all their hard work. I wasn’t expecting that. The sharing of goodwill wasn’t for my benefit but looked like a natural Katie thing to do. I’m not convinced they even recognised her, not that I think she would care, but then we weren’t around to check.
Back at the house, I’m invited into the studio area used as the backdrop to many of her Katie’s Arms videos with the joint USA/GB flag on the wall. I ask if I can take her photograph in front of the iconic flag and she jumps into action posing comically on the bar stool set in front of it. Quintessentially Katie, she seemed in her element. Legs crossed, then uncrossed, then to the side, then akimbo! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time and this, to me, seems the most authentic Katie so far. Fun-loving, irreverent and, gorgeously glorious…
I hadn’t intended to use this photograph in the book version of this series but there’s something about it that epitomises Katie Hopkins to me.

Here’s the photograph we selected in the end. I was lucky that the light was cast beautifully through the tree canopy, illuminating Katie against the tree trunk, just as a gust of wind took her hair. I thought this was Katie in her natural environment, simply out walking the dogs. Happy and vivid, just as she is…

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I have to admit Kerry that I’m not up-to-date with Portraits of the Resistance, they still sit in my inbox with lots of other must reads. I admire Katie Hopkins and your photos of her sum up the warmth she projects. Basically, her views are my views and she expresses them with great humour. I’m looking forward to meeting her at Bethnal Green next May. Hopefully Katie will have less tour dates cancelled in 2024. I know for sure that Comedy Unleashed will be a definite. I hope you and your family are enjoying Christmas and that your mum is doing well in NZ 💖🍸
Lovely shot. Lovely story.
People are attracted to Katie’s authenticity.
Her wit and intelligence are a bonus.
-with love from your American cousin. 😊